Friday, April 12, 2024

Man Tries To Snatch Egg From Roosevelt Island Canadian Goose Nest Near FDR Park And Kills Gander Defending The Nest

Canadian Geese can be found roaming all over Roosevelt Island.

For the most part, the geese and humans peacefully coexist on Roosevelt Island but that was not the case recently as reported by Roosevelt Island resident Micheline Hess on April 11:

Yesterday I was down near Four Freedoms Park and I noticed a goose that was sitting on a clutch of eggs out on the rocks by the water.

I went and told the woman who manages the cat compound because sometimes she moves the nests when they’re too exposed and the geese seem to trust her.

She told me she was aware of that nest, and went on to tell me about how recently, a grown-ass man approached that very nest and tried to snatch an egg from it. When the male goose ( gander?) attacked this man, he kicked it and then beat it with a large stick, ultimately killing it. The female is still on the nest.

I know a lot of folks dislike them because they poop everywhere and sometimes slow down traffic, but they don’t deserve to be harassed or hurt.

If you happen to see anyone hassling them, please harness your inner Karen or Ken and call these people out.

Ms Hess is an artist who curated the recent Black History Month exhibition at RIVAA Gallery.