Sunday, August 25, 2024

Watch Very Interesting Video About Roosevelt Island, A Unique And Historically Rich Area That Exemplifies Suburban Urbanism Feature Of City Planning - How About That?

Fourth Place is a You Tube channel that focuses on US geography, urbanism, transportation and city planning. Fourth Place recently published a very interesting video about our own Roosevelt Island. According to Fourth Place:

Roosevelt Island, located on New York City's East River between Manhattan and Queens is a unique and historically rich area that exemplifies one particular facet of urban planning, Suburban Urbanism. Wait, what does that even mean?

Well, Roosevelt Island may just be the only place located technically within the borough of Manhattan with both a suburban and urban Fabric and just how that was achieved and what exactly it looks like is quite extraordinary. if you're new here, this is Fourth Place your place to learn about US geography, urbanism, transportation city planning and more....
Watch the full video.