Thursday, September 15, 2022

Roosevelt Island Dog Owners Waiting To Find Out Location Of New Southtown Temporary Dog Run - RIOC Says Today It Will Be In Firefighters Field And Ready Before Start Of Hudson Related Building 9 Construction

As reported last May 24:

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes reported to the May 19 RIOC Board Of Directors meeting (full video of meeting here) that in the next 3 to 4 weeks the North Dog Run near the Octagon building will be upgraded and that longer term plans include a Dog Run in Lighthouse Park. 

Also, Mr Haynes announced a Southtown "temporary" dog run to be developed in the area next to the Ferry Dock landing under the Queensboro Bridge and appeared to say it would be ready in about a month. 

Mr Haynes added that a more permanent solution for a Southtown Dog Run will be located in the area between the Hudson Related Riverwalk Building 8 and Building 9 when construction of Building 9 is completed. It is anticipated that Building 9 construction will begin in the next few months.

However, it is possible that the "Temporary" Dog Run, if successful, will become permanent. 

But, today RIOC Tweeted the Temporary Dog run near the Ferry Dock will open in the Fall...

Until today, there had been no further information from RIOC about the replacement of the current Southtown Dog Run.

with a temporary one located in a new location.

Earlier this week I asked RIOC VP of Communications Akeem Jamal:

Is there any update on plans for the Southtown dog run?

Back last May, RIOC said a new Temporary Southtown Dog Run would be ready near the Queensboro Bridge in the Fall.

I've heard from many Dog Owners recently upset and angry that there has been no communication all summer about the status of dog run and no apparent work being done in the proposed area near the Queensboro Bridge....

... Any statement from RIOC on this matter?

According to RIOC Vice President of Communications Akeem Jamal, the temporary dog run will not be near the ferry dock as pictured (Red Circle) in presentation from May 19 RIOC Board Meeting,

but in Firefighters Field.

Mr Jamal reports:

The location of it will be in Firefighter Park near the ball field. Overall size 85’x30’. Large dog run 60’x30’. Small dog run 25’x30’.

The temporary Firefighters Field Dog Run is expected to be open in October prior to the start of Riverwalk Building 9 construction. 

Portions of Firefighters Field adjacent to the Building 9 construction site will be fenced off during construction for safety reasons.

Not known at this time if any portion of Firefighters Field will be available for soccer, football, softball, frisbee, kite flying or any other recreational activity during building 9 construction other than the dog run.