Sunday, August 20, 2023

RIOC Board Directors Set Up ASK US QUESTIONS Table Yesterday At Good Shepherd Plaza To Discuss Upcoming F Train Subway Service Disruptions And Tram Service With Roosevelt Island Residents - Good Start To Improving Community Dialogue

Newly appointed members of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors Lydia Tang, Dr Michal Melamed and Ben Fhala, together with veteran Board member Fay Christian  set up an:


table next to the August 19 Farmers/Flea Market at Good Shepherd Plaza to discuss the upcoming F Train Subway Service disruptions and Tram service with Roosevelt Island community residents.

Joining Mr Fhala and Ms Christian was Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) President Judy Berdy

who helped explain the new F train shuttle service and bus service which begins Monday, August 28.

I asked if there would be any RIOC policy change to increase Tram service during the F train service disruption. According to Mr Fhala:

... the main perspective of the executive team now is that we're not going to change automatically but we're going to just assess and test it as the weeks go by and the executive teams will decide how to address it as they see the needs change. So right now, we don't have any messages on any changes.

The RIOC Directors will be holding another ASK US? session next week at the Saturday Farmers/Flea Market. 

Stop by and have a chat. Tell them your concerns and possible solutions.

This is a great initiative by the RIOC Directors to communicate in person with their fellow residents.

Here's what the Tram lines were like yesterday

and today.