Friday, June 25, 2021

It's Summer Time, Roosevelt Island Barbecue Grills Open First Come First Serve Basis At Lighthouse And Octagon Parks - Personal Grills Not Permitted

A reader asks:

I am a resident of Roosevelt Island and I wanted to know if BBQ parties are allowed during July 4th? If so, where are the spots to grill and if there is any particular process for this (permits etc.)
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Information Officer Amy Smith answered:
The Lighthouse Park grills will be available for use on July 4th. The procedure will be standard, which is a first-come, first-serve basis. You can read more about it and send readers to our website, here.

Image From RIOC

Ms Smith added that the grills

in the Octagon Park BBQ area:

... will be open and they are available to the public with the same use protocol as the Lighthouse Park grills.

Also, according to the RIOC website:

... Personal grills are not permitted. The park is open from dawn until 10 PM.

Here are some BBQ tips from Jamie Oliver.

Happy BBQing this summer.