Saturday, December 11, 2021

Hawk Chasing Pigeons For Lunch Flies Into Side Of Roosevelt Landings Building And Falls Onto Middle Of Main Street This Afternoon - Roosevelt Island Rushes To Help The Injured Hawk

Roosevelt Island residents and Public Safety Officers standing in the vicinity of Nisi Restaurant at about 3 PM this afternoon were shocked, amazed and surprised to hear a very loud "Plopping" sound and then saw that a Hawk fell from the sky in the middle of Main Street. 

Fortunately, the hawk did not fall on anyone but was stunned and unable to fly away, occasionally shaking one of it's wings.  

A Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer said that the Hawk was chasing some pigeons for lunch, flew into side of the Roosevelt Landings building and fell to the ground on Main Street. The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers did a great job directing Main Street traffic making sure the hawk was not run over by cars and immediately called Wildlife Freedom Foundation President Rossana Ceruzzi to aid the injured hawk. Ms Ceruzzi is a NY State Wildlife Animal Rehabilitator.

As Ms Ceruzzi approached the hawk, it flew away but very low to the ground and hit a store window before flying away again to the top of the Nisi Restaurant storefront.

Ms Ceruzzi, with the help of Roosevelt Island Public Safety and Grounds crew, climbed up a ladder trying to aid the injured hawk.
After a few more minutes the hawk was able to fly up, up and away without hitting any buildings.

Ms Ceruzzi explains that the hawk received a concussion when colliding with the building but recovered and was able to fly away.
Today's Roosevelt Island Historical Society newsletter has a picture of what may be the hawk 
scouting for food from a Rivercross Terrace.