Sunday, May 29, 2022

No Room For Roosevelt Island Passengers On NYC Ferry Boat This Afternoon - Passengers Stranded At Roosevelt Island Dock Except for Line Cutters

Earlier this month, a Roosevelt Island resident asked on Twitter:

why is it impossible to get on a ferry at Roosevelt Island?! They are coming full from East 90th. This is a constant issue on weekends.

This Memorial Day Weekend Sunday afternoon was a perfect example of a full NYC Ferry Boat coming from East 90th Street with little room for passengers waiting to board at Roosevelt Island. After a few people boarded at Roosevelt Island, a NYC Ferry Crew member announced only "one more" spot on the boat was available even though there were at least 25 other people in line to board.

Upon hearing this, a frustrated man waiting with his family to board walked to the front of the line and told the NYC Ferry Crew member that the people already allowed on the boat cut ahead of those waiting in line and that NYC Ferry needs to do a better job organizing the line at the Roosevelt Island dock.

This is not a new problem. Larger capacity boats are needed during the summer.