Wednesday, December 21, 2022

There's A Big Storm Coming Our Way - You're Invited To RIRA Roosevelt Island Community Emergency Committee Zoom Talk On Winter Storm Preparedness Thursday December 22

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Community Emergency Committee Chair Frank Farance reports: 

The RIRA CEC has a monthly Zoom presentation on emergency preparedness, each month is different, it's tailored to the season and circumstance, and it's for Roosevelt Islanders, so ask your Roosevelt Island specific questions.

This month's presentation, December 22 at 8-9 PM, was already scheduled for Winter Storm Preparedness. With the winter storm forecast for the end of this week, Thursday's presentation will have live analysis and discussion on the upcoming storm, so you'll be able to apply your knowledge right away.

Frank Farance is a National Weather Service (NWS) Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador (we communicate weather knowledge to the public). He is an active member of the American Red Cross of Greater New York (ARC-GNY), and is Disaster Action Team (DAT) Supervisor. DAT responds 24/7/365 to disasters, such as home fires, which occur 8-12 times a day in NYC. He has served 15 years as a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) member for Roosevelt Island and NYC. He is a graduate of FEMA's National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA). He teaches FEMA STEP (Student Tools for Emergency Planning) to K-12.

The monthly presentations are typically the 4th Thursday of the month at 8-9 PM so the WHOLE FAMILY can participate. The link for the monthly presentations are:

Meeting ID: 912 3049 8521 Passcode: 591680 One tap mobile +19292056099,,91230498521#,,,,*591680# US (New York) +16469313860,,91230498521#,,,,*591680# US (New York)

Here is the current forecast for Thursday: